Tuesday, February 25, 2014


mid-day beach dash:

Up the beach to Au Soleil Couchant and back: ~4k. Roni and I did a grand dog.kabuki performance and managed to get these six on the beach side when it was quiet out; Rufus had been keyed up all morning and Archie can't go on long ones so this seemed like a good idea. I left with Rufus and Tori on both sides of the double-headed leash (thanks Marie and Nicole!); it was a bit like having two horses under harness but we managed to get ourselves up the beach and past the soldiers quickly. We got barked at by the dogs there both ways and my charges were good; Linda deserves special mention, since she's so little and simultaneously so brave, she just ran right through those barking strays. The ocean is a bit muddy and churned up but everyone still had a blast swimming. Rufus managed to find a nasty old shark head on the beach up north and bring it all the way home with him... kind of disgusting but it kept him quiet and focused. A nice, quick run to get some energy out.

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