Friday, June 29, 2018

The state of this blog

I stopped posting on this blog after the death of Reggie, one of our closest, dearest friends. I still can't think about it without crying. I normally would've written an obituary and keep on plugging but after losing Tori almost two years earlier something in me broke and then when Reggie died there was nothing left to spring back.

It's been almost 2 years since Reggie. I've continued to keep a log in my notes of everything we do with the dogs outside the yard, but the old way I had of externalizing it in this blog is just dead in me. I've tried to resurrect it and have failed multiple times. I'm posting this belatedly for some kind of completion.

I have planned many times to resurrect this blog on our own server, using some very simple blogging software I wrote. I have yet to do so, and I'm honestly not sure there is a point. I don't think too many people ever looked here, but for the few that did: I'll post something here if there's a new URL to visit.

Roni's blog at is still active. Reggie's death hit her hardest. Please, anyone who reads this who cares at all about what we do, give her some love, and not just because of Reggie; give her some love because she gives a shit. That should be enough.

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