morning run:
Pretty much the only way I've had time to go lately: out north to the Au Soleil Couchant road, west to the beach, south to the tortuga sign and home in the monte: ~6k. We left late and had George with us so both the heat and the distance were a concern. In any event we have a sick refugee (Buddy) with us right now, and that is consuming a lot of our energy and attention; I didn't want to go for too long. George drank most of the water but kept up well and had a blast, especially swimming. There was a group of salt workers right near the end of the dead goat trail, slightly to the north of where it meets the north/south road. On the way out Otto led the charge up there, and on the way back Rufus did; in both cases it was kind of justified (they had left food out on the ground where any interested animal could have at it). Even so I don't like them running up to people and their stuff in the monte like that, so I stopped them and had both Otto and Rufus on the hook at various points. Rufus was seriously crazed on the way out but as usual calmed down even before the shrimpery; we just need to work on those exits. Everyone was good otherwise and had a good time, albeit a hot one. Water was nice.
year's end ...on to the next
First and foremost, sincere gratitude to Markus, Angela and Lisa&Tim for
It's been a rough year, no lie. Too many of the photos I've taken thi...
4 years ago
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