Saturday, June 20, 2015


morning run:

Au Soleil Couchant: ~7k. We took the long way to the swimming hole and the long way coming home, both via the alt. land bridge. Cookie was on the leash most of the time in the monte and off the leash on the beach; this was her first big-girl run and she acquitted herself very well. Despite our route we ran into a large group of salt workers east of the intersection, and they had a dog with them (not sure if it was with them or just mooching their stuff). Shirley, Rufus and Murci formed a greeting sortie and chased it for 10m until it turned to face them; it was little (about Cookie's size) with a pretty brindled coat. There were no hostilities or even much barking; the second I called to mine to get back to me they obliged and ignored the other dog and salt workers. We got barked at a little as we ran north but nothing came of it and we carried on. The swimming hole is now just a damp spot in the bottom of a strange depression in the monte, but Rufus still managed to cover his belly in mud. My plan had been the beach all along so I didn't care much - everyone washed themselves off nicely in the surf. I had Cookie and Murci on either end of the long leash and Rufus on the short leash at the shrimpery and everyone was good to the gate.

morning swim:

It was choppy but she was a trooper.

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