Wednesday, September 21, 2016


morning beach walk:

This was supposed to be a quickie with Perl, Ruby and Linda but I ended up throwing the fuzzy dogs in because they all really like the beach and this is kind of their jam. Ziggy shouldn't go too far or too fast anyway. April screwed me over early by darting east across the road before I could get everyone headed in the right direction (west, towards the beach). We all crossed and I rounded everyone up and got us turned around. I had Ruby on the leash the whole way because she's the one who needs it most; Perl is a little dream, honestly, and sticks to my heel when she isn't swimming, but Ruby gets ideas. The bluff is ridiculously high right now, especially near our house. We had to throw ourselves down onto the beach from the south road. The scene of me trying to get six wet little lunatics back up onto the bluff on the way home must've been amusing, especially since the little bastards kept jumping back down. The bluff was too high and steep for any of them to get up it without assistance so this was a Keystone Cops routine, but with wet dogs. The little black dog that seems to live south of Gary observed us on the beach but my charges were really good (and he was too) - no barking or charging off.

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