Wednesday, September 22, 2010


morning slog:

I left with the first eight; Ziggy got tacked on because he is SO loud when left behind and sometimes it's just easier. It tires him out, and he's good on the road. The monte is even more flooded than the last time I went, due to heavy rains Monday afternoon/evening. I grabbed Reggie on the road behind the shrimpery and put him on the leash for a long while, just to make sure he didn't hurt himself. Once we got out past the intersection I let him off and didn't let him out of my sight; since it was mostly slogging through water up to his chest at times, it wasn't an issue. I had Shirley and Reggie on either end of the leash for a while at one point because she just won't listen and gets too far ahead. Elewah had been let out last night to see her buds, who arrived "home" late (full moon, we could all see). Today we heard her and the Brethren bark at us from far away to the south when we got to the end of the dead goat trail. I called her name a couple of times, but they sounded much too far away for her to hear, so we just carried on North. Apparently I was wrong, because she caught us out past where I let Reggie off of the leash, which was nearly 2km from where we heard her first (but not as the crow flies, and that's probably more how she came). We did a short loop out past bag end to the Au Soleil Couchant access road, down to the beach and home. Not very long but tiring none the less.

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