Thursday, November 14, 2013


morning run:

Southern charcos, short version: ~7k. Since I had Ernie and Twigs with me and we were leaving late to boot I decided a curtailed southern route would be in order; we took the middle road through the southern charcos heading north instead of heading east to the palapa road. I also don't want Murci going too far yet since she's still relatively little, although not to hear her tell it; she left and came home on the hook but I let her off for a long stretch of the run starting where it really gets flooded heading into the charcos. She was a good girl throughout and was good about going back on the leash. We went out over the main land bridge and came back via the cut over and the alt. land bridge, both of which were completely flooded. The hard rain yesterday knocked back some of the bugs because they weren't that noticeable in spite of the soggy state of the realm. Frankie lagged a lot but out of choice; she just doesn't like to let Daisy get behind her and she knows she can catch us whenever she wants, so I let her hang back as long as she listened and caught up when I asked her to. Everyone really behaved themselves and had a great time swimming and horsing around everywhere. I'm posting this many hours later and Ernie has had a limp all day since we went. He might just be getting old and get a little sore after a run but we'll watch him and see how he is tomorrow.

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