Thursday, October 1, 2015


afternoon beach jaunt:

Up the beach past the tortuga sign: ~4k. It was early afternoon and a bit cloudy so what the hell - Rufus really wanted to get out. The rest of the group suggested itself quickly. It was a bit rough getting out of the launchpad; Rufus got the muzzle off by himself so I had to force him to focus on running the old-fashioned way... it was operator error, I put it on too loose. Once over that hurdle everything was fine. We took the maginot line to the beach, which was really churned up by a storm. Nobody wanted to swim all that much but I made them go in a few times heading north. We got barked at a little by a stray near the HoJo but it was so windy we could barely hear - I saw it give up as we turned north. Since swimming wasn't that fun I figured we might as well stretch our legs running, so we went a bit farther than the sign, turned around and went into the monte there instead of going all the way back on the beach. I took the pace up when we entered the monte and everyone enjoyed that. There was some cloud-cover so it wasn't too bad and I had a little water in the bottle so I gave it out and we hauled ass for most of the way home. Nice, short run with the black-and-blue crew (all black dogs except for Blue).

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