Monday, October 5, 2015


morning walk:

I took this group for an extended walk to the north. We took the blue.bag trail to the road and headed north to the crossroads, went east a bit to catch the road that comes back on the opposite shore of the charcos and came home via the ridge and the land bridge. Everyone was really up for this one. I left with only Tuesday on the leash but I put Shirley on before we turned north towards the shack - she was going too fast, pulling everyone forward and was set to gas out halfway through if I didn't rein her in. I left her on the long leash for most of the walk and she had a good time; it was also a much nicer pace for everyone else without her frenetic energy on point. Gracie and George were cute together, frequently paling around. We saw nobody but we did get barked at halfway to the cut-over heading south, perhaps by the same dog that barked at Roni yesterday. We saw a couple flamingos in the nearby charcos here and there; recent rain accumulated a little. Everyone was really good and had a great time the whole way.

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