Monday, April 18, 2011


morning run:

Strange group. We did a slightly longer than normal route to the hidden trail, down the beach to the tortuga sign and home in the monte: ~8k. We went north across the alternate land bridge and cut-over, through the intersection and the shire; everybody was really moving through those kilometers, we pretty much ran it the whole way. The beach was nice up north where the hidden trail lets out, but between Au Soleil Couchant and the tortuga sign the seaweed was so thick that we only had a narrow strip to run on, between bluff on the left and the piles of grossness on the right. We still managed to jump in the ocean a lot, especially Floyd, and Frankie tortured everyone else with a huge fish-head for most of the way. Stella, Lily and Elewah screwed around a bit too much just on the other side of doce; Elewah did her usual sniffing around routine, but Lily and Stella followed her and ignored me. I tracked them down separately on the beach down south a bit, which irritated me. Other than the last five minutes, though, everyone was really good.

morning swim:

Seven laps in shallow, calm waters. She knew what was up this time and didn't want to go - I had to carry her from the gate to the water, a distance of approx. 10km... or so it felt. She is HEAVY. Still, once we were in she swam well and was breathing heavily by the end of the seventh lap.

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