Friday, January 25, 2013


morning run:
Steve McQueen

Northern loop: ~7k. We did a loop around the swimming hole, effectively, but never got there; we headed north and hit the palapa road like normal but then came home over the Bag End land bridge, looping north from the intersection to catch the tortuga crossroads on the way home. I didn't want to be gone too long today so it wasn't horribly hot by the time I got back. Also I still want to watch Hazel on runs because of her leg; it seems she's completely over her puppyhood injury and runs like a champ but I won't take her on any 10ks for a while just in case. I put her on the leash at the turn to Bag End because I want to work with her and she was being a little skittish; even the suggestion that she might dance away from me when I want to put her on the leash should immediately land her on the leash. She was good on the hook the rest of the way home. Everyone else was angelic and had a great time.

morning walk:

Roni took this group for an inspection tour of the beta site and a general patrol of the monte nearby. Bette is an angel; she left on the leash but Roni let her off down near the land bridge and she was a good girl about it. Everyone was fairly good until they were on the way home near the shrimpery, where Eve decided to run ahead and Reggie turned his ears off to follow her. They ended up dragging Lucy and Bette up towards the road when there was traffic on it while Roni was stuck back all the way at the other end of the trail waiting for the slow dogs, who weren't even that far yet. Eve really sparked it and she knows better but Reggie does sometimes turn his ears off and that has to stop as well; they both ended up in the box after the walk as a result of their shenanigans.

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