Sunday, July 14, 2013


morning run:

Southern charcos: ~8k. This group was really good; I had Xmul on the leash out of the gate and for the first few kilometers but I let her off for quite a stretch in the middle of the run and she was good. My plan was to take the land bridge out but as we were nearing the intersection closest to it I saw a small, black dog dart out by the salt piles and take off across the land bridge; I think it might be the dog we almost ran across a few runs ago but I didn't get as good a look. None of my charges saw it so I redirected us down the dirty road and we took the alt. land bridge instead, went to the swimming hole and looped back around south on the palapa road. I thought I would avoid the land bridge on the way back as well and take the serpentine home but when I got within 100m of it I saw the way there was thick with flamingos; they must've taken refuge from the storm blowing in there or something because there were hundreds in our path. I took us the normal way home instead after thinking about it; that little black dog would surely be gone by now and it was starting to rain on us. There was also a little thunder as we were getting near home but everyone was good and brave and stuck with me. There was a lone cluster of salt workers trying to get a salt loader going in the light rain as we headed north on the main road and all the dogs were excellent; I had Xmul on the leash and everyone else followed along. The reaction of the salt-workers to seeing us was fairly hysterical - many of them jumped up onto their salt pile in surprise and dismay while a couple who had seen me and the dogs running before laughed heartily at their overblown response; the dogs didn't care and didn't react to the screaming. Good group.

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