Monday, July 1, 2013


morning swim:

Tori was out of her mind but I did a better job of managing her and keeping her from climbing all over Greta in the water so Greta was happier. They both swam a lot.

morning jaunt:

The idea was to bring Rufus out onto the beach to play in the water. The problem was that he was out of his mind with excitement and would not stop barking. He got PupG barking as well so I put him on the hook and ran up the beach to just past the bend north of the HoJo; by that point Rufus had calmed down but now the problem was that Tori REALLY likes Rufus and had gotten herself into a state so she wouldn't lay off of him. I put Tori on the leash and all was well on the sprint back south: I kept Tori from jumping all over Rufus and Rufus and PupG had a good time jumping into the water and tear-assing home. Maybe I should just bring Rufus out on the beach by himself for a few mornings in a row and work with him on not barking so much and swimming in front of the house; he shouldn't be so conditioned to assume that we're going to sprint north when he goes out on the beach and he has to cut out the crazy barking.
GRADE: B (too much the crazy)

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