Saturday, January 4, 2014


morning run:

Souther charcos, short version (backwards): ~6k. Same route as on 25.12.13 but backwards: we headed north first across the alt. land bridge, took the berm east and then cut south immediately, taking the western fork in the road to reach that strange little cove with the weird trail that winds through it. We left with nobody on the leash but I had to put Tori on briefly early to get her to calm down a bit; she came off in ~100m or so and was fine thereafter. This was not as fast a group as yesterday although there were several fast dogs so it was a bit uneven at times. Everyone was nearly perfect until the very end when we ran into the cows again, just east of the land bridge on the way home. They were in the brush across one of the small charcos that borders the road (really more a mud track right now); Frijolita and Tori mostly led the charge and me on a less-than-merry chase. They turned their ears off and left me slogging through mud up to my knees in places until I caught up back to the south; most of them had come back to me but Elewah was the last hard-core barker and I was not happy with her. She now has a collar on and is likewise not happy with me; we'll see how that goes but she can't just turn her ears off and do what she pleases with no consequences. Frijolita was most disappointing because she really should know better; she is one of those dogs that skates by on a good-girl reputation when she frequently decides to be bad if it pleases her. She ALSO lacked a collar so she now has one as well... Once I had my charges disentangled from the cows (no harm done obviously, they're huge and uninterested in dogs) we forded the crossing at the land bridge and got home without incident. Not the best way to end a nice run but for the most part is was good and everyone had a good time.

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