Saturday, November 19, 2011


morning run:
Steve McQueen

Once again to the swimming hole via the land bridge and the ridge and home via the dirty road: ~6k. We ended up with nine because both Petey and Lex wanted to come; I kind of wanted them to to give their fellow tribe-members courage and it was just too much of a pain in the ass to put Alice back in as we were standing at the gate. It went as well as it possibly could until the very end where we ran into some locals attempting to "herd" a bull and two cows ("attempting" is perhaps too kind). They were right at the shrimpery corner, blocking our path. Alice would have no part of it and bolted for the interior of the shrimpery so I called everyone back and we cut around the northwestern corner from the inside, doing a bit of off-roading in the process. We lost Linda in there somewhere; I think she took off for home via the most direct route when she saw the cows because she caught us at the gate and was up to her eyeballs in xmuls, literally. Lex and Petey picked up where they left off and really helped give Amber and Steve courage. Amber whined in excitement the entire way. All of the tribe members (plus Linda) listened well, stayed with me (practically on top of me honestly) reacted well to vehicles (a moto), drank out of the bottle and ran their little butts off. Monkey, Daisy and PupG are an excellent combination for puppy training: they don't cross the road before their human(s), stay close, listen well and don't give newbies bad habits. Nice job.

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