Thursday, November 19, 2015


morning run:
Steve McQueen

Southern charcos: ~8k. This is Xmul's last run before she goes back to Marie and Nicole for six months; they're picking her up at 9am and I wanted to give her a good send-off. This was a perfect group of running dogs. They all listened, they all behaved and they all wanted to run their asses off. I am happy to report there was slack in Xmul's leash for most of the way but it wasn't easy. We even ran through the sloggy bits for the most part. It is still too flooded to get anything larger than a moto in through the southern approach to the charcos and we saw nobody working out there. There were a ton of flamingos everywhere, some of them very close and nobody made any move towards them, although I stayed on Posey and Murci pretty closely verbally through those stretches. The bugs were starting to get bad as we neared the northern end of the palapa road so I took us across the wide berm instead of going the whole way. There were three very large flamingos more or less in our path at the other end of the berm and everyone was very good about staying with me, approaching slowly and letting them walk calmly out of our way and into the water. The swimming hole was fun and everyone had a good time generally. We'll miss you, Xmul!

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