Sunday, March 17, 2013


morning run:

Northern charcos: ~9k. I kind of wanted to go 10k on the long and winding road today but we got started late and I didn't want to take all day; I also wanted to avoid all of the salt workers in the southern charcos (mainly due to poo issues). We took a route similar to that on 25.02.13 but learned from our mistakes on that day. Instead of trying to push through east across two nasty charcos we kept to the tire tracks and picked up the proper trail that winds through that part of the monte; it lets out right where Chester's shortcut from the long and winding road appears, just northwest of the turn to no-man's land. I put Lily on the leash when we turned north from the Au Soleil Couchant road because she led the charge with Jack and Elewah to go sniff poo where the Au Soleil Couchant road splits into a "T"; she frequently manages to escape the leash so this time I wanted to put her on for a spell to keep her honest. She was good about it and wasn't on for very long. Rufus was only on for the first ~2km and at the very end at the shripmery; I can probably start skipping this with him as he seems to be over his bad behavior. Daisy needed the leash for a bit in the last 2km because she kept lagging too far behind; I don't think she was tired, just screwing around in the bushes. Ginger, Chester and Gracie are always champs and Elewah was really good.

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