Thursday, March 21, 2013


morning run:

Beach/swimming hole loop: ~8k. Two days ago Xmul got mauled by what was probably a mapache on her morning walk with Marie and Nicole. Xmul is fine now, I saw her yesterday and since Marie told me they would not be walking up the beach for a few days I figured I would go there a bit. I took us to the beach at the tortuga sign via the monte and stayed on the beach until Au Soleil Couchant, then took that access road to the swimming hole and came home via the cut-over and the coco trail. PupG got into some nasty swamp water right off the bat so taking her to the ocean was a good idea. I had Tuesday on the leash the whole way; my foot is still bruised so I am not at my speediest but she didn't seem to mind today. She wasn't paranoid but she wasn't as hyped up for a run as she usually is and we didn't fly like normal. We saw some salt workers but I didn't have any worries with this group. The only real barker is PupG and I had her close to me the whole way.

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