Monday, August 8, 2011


morning run:

Odd group but a good one. We left late and had two slowpokes so we just went to Au Soleil Couchant via the monte, down the beach to the tortuga sign and home in the monte: ~5k (maybe a little more, I forget). George was the first slowpoke and it turned out that Twiggy was the second. She definitely has something wrong with her left rear leg; at times she was only using the two back legs together and she wasn't able to go fast for very far, preferring to stay back with her hero George for most of the way. We need to get her checked out, as this probably also explains her odd, recurring whining. April was off the hook briefly at the beginning but after a brisk 200m sprint I came to my senses and she was on the leash for the rest of the way. I put Molly on the other end of the hook just south of the tortuga sign three-way on the way home; they went together well, oddly enough. The black pups adore George and he thinks that's swell. Henry enjoyed his new haircut immensely and swam a bunch. Everyone behaved themselves perfectly.

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