Wednesday, July 25, 2012


morning run:

Hidden trail: ~8k. Roni's back from Johnstown and environs and everyone is happy, Happy, HAPPY YEAH MOM! I took some of the biggest hoodlers / idiots out today on the first run since she left; Ernie, Ziggy, Xmul and Daisy have been especially energetic recently so I wanted to give them a chance to burn some off. All of my charges were really excellent; they listened, had a good time and ran like blazes. The swimming hole was topped off to well past overflowing, along with most of the hidden trail on both sides of doce and much of the rest of the monte - we have had a LOT of rain in the last eight days. The bugs were the worst they've been all year which really gave us motivation to keep moving; it seemed as though the monte exhaled us onto the beach in a cloud of bugs. Nobody so much as sniffed at a salt worker. I had Xmul on the leash for most of the run and she was really good; Ernie joined her on the other end of the leash on our trail to keep shenanigans to a minimum.

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