Sunday, September 16, 2012


morning run:

Hidden trail: ~8k. Today was as good as yesterday was awful. Getting out of the gate with Xmul and Rufus had a high degree of difficulty but it was mostly getting those two leashed and everyone settled down a bit before we left. Roni got the gate behind me because there was no way I could possibly turn around once we left and I took two leashes instead of just one because there was really no other way. Knowing that there were surely flamingos close by I deliberately chose the other six dogs so there would be no problems and they came through - we saw a lot of flamingos and not one was harassed. Rufus and Xmul pulling together meant that my feet hardly touched the ground for the first ~2km but Rufus really does calm down quickly and I was just being paranoid about the rest. Xmul showed me that she would definitely chase flamingos if I let her off the leash so she was barely off this time; only right at the swimming hole and on the beach. Otherwise everyone was really good and had a good time. It got hot early (shocking) and was almost comically buggy as we were coming home. I put Rufus on again when we turned off of the tortuga crossroads just because I wanted them completely under control; everyone behaved on the trail home, crossed the road with me and was glad to be back.

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