Thursday, August 20, 2015


morning walk:

Roni took this group out for a brisk walk to the north. Bette left on the leash but came off early; Stella was on for the duration as usual. The pace was frequently manic largely due to the efforts of the Amber/Zoot continuum (A/Z - quite cosmic). Amber was on the leash early to keep the group closer together and convinced Roni to let her off to go play in the charco with the others... which she never did, instead chosing to start a game of you-can't-catch-me for a few hundred meters. Roni used doggy.psychology (and, perhaps, the force, a little) to get Amber turned around and then put her back on the leash for the duration home. This sounds exactly like several runs I've taken with Amber, where the same basic storyline evolved; there is something about her psychology that makes her good on the leash at first and then bad on the leash if you put her on a second time. The only other dog that really has a quirk like that is Tuesday, who time and experience have shown us needs to just be on the leash, period... they all bring their own stuff to the table. The pace was obviously high because they went for a fairly long walk and came back quickly. Monkey and PupG got some swimming in and everyone had a good time on a bright, hot morning.

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