Sunday, August 30, 2015


morning run:

On the beach to Au Soleil Couchant: ~4k. This was a group of loud-mouths who needed to get out on a shorty. It's overcast and slightly cooler so I wasn't as worried about the larger dogs getting zapped by the heat. We took the maginot line to the beach heading out and came home via the tortuga sign and the wooden shack. There was a tourist walking a dog on a leash right where the maginot line dumps you on the beach; we surprised him but my charges were very good and his dog was also well-behaved. He was heading back south anyway so we carried on north without so much as a bark. Farther on we ran into two older people walking slowly ahead of us so I verbally wrangled everyone to stay near me until they turned around and then we ran past them heading the opposite way, which always works out much better. They, too, were amused by my little crew, who were all cute and into their own thing. I put Roxy on the leash as we got to Au Soleil Couchant because she was too far ahead. Shirley went on the other end with her after we came off the beach at the tortuga sign to keep everyone together, and they stayed that way until the end. Otto managed to find some truly awful filth to roll in, which he did very thoroughly - the smell of him was wretch-inducing from the wooden shack until we got home, where he got a bath with soap. Rita's feet were bothered by all the salt and probably everything else... the beach positively stank of rag-weed in places today. She also got a bath when we got home. The weather is really bothering her allergies right now but she was game and wanted to go so badly I couldn't say no. All in all a nice group of mostly older dogs on a pleasant day on the beach.

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